Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Dysfunction Junction.......At It's Finest

We recently lost a matriarch in our big blended family. The stories that were shared at the memorial service today about this larger-than-life lady with a boisterous, fun-loving, outrageous (and sometimes inappropriate) personality who had a heart of gold, we're both hilarious and touching. She loved her family unconditionally. She'd give you the shirt off her back and she loved and accepted every single one of us for who we are. Saying goodbye to her made me think about our families and why we love them all!

My DH and I met 23 years ago at her home. So just imagine tossing the casts of My Big Fat Greek Wedding ((Italian Style), Grumpy Old Men, The Godfather, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and Leave It To Beaver into one big pot, stir it well, add in some sugar and spice and a few shots of Tequila!! And, there, you have it!! Our beloved family. One big, lovable hot mess!!

We are like most families in the world today. Chock full of different backgrounds, upbringings, nationalities, races, colors and sexual orientations. We are a delightful mix of Christians, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Muslims, and non-believers. We have vastly different political affiliations and beliefs. We have academic scholars and those who have graduated from the school of hard knocks And everything in between.

And too many different personality traits, good and bad, to mention. We are all....each one of us, uniquely different. We fight, we make up, we don't always agree. But we, this motley lot, make up this thing called family. And we make it work! Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we're intolerant of each other. But for the important stuff, we forgive and forget. We come together...we stick together, we support each other!

Isn't that what it should all be about? Shouldn't we all be doing this? Whether it's our family or our neighbors or a perfect stranger? Shouldn't we all accept each other? We all came from the same place. The color of our skin is only pigmentation. It does not define us. Whether we worship a God or are a non-believer is our right. It does not define us. Who we choose to love is exactly that, our choice. It does not define us.

So let's all try to live like we're one big, happy, accepting, tolerant, dysfunctional family. Let's all have hearts of gold and accept each other for our likenesses and our differences. Let's all leave that as our legacy when we leave this world.

Can you imagine how amazing that would be!!! This is one of my favorite songs. I hope it touches you too! 💙💚💛💜

....until next time, 
                    keep your Sunny Side Up 🌞