Wednesday, October 24, 2018

It's Keepin' Me Off The Streets

When I retired, my only "plan" was to sleep in and have lazy mornings drinking my coffee and watching the Today Show. Those were the simple luxuries I looked forward to. I planned to never, ever look at a computer again!! You know, just relax!! That lasted about 3 months. Then boredom set in!

And here we are, six years later and I'm busier than I've ever been!! I'm writing a blog, organized an HOA, have become politically active, writing not one, but two, monthly newsletters and just recently started a new business!! And just yesterday I learned how to make my own videos! Call me crazy!!

But I have to say, I've never felt more alive!! No more sleeping in and letting my mind go to mush, I'm learning new things everyday. Yes, I've had to 'bite the bullet' and buy a new computer. And I get frustrated everyday with technology, but I think it's helping me stay sharp. A lady in our community who is in her 90's says it best, "You're a second class citizen if you don't use computers these days". And she knows best since she is in the dark on the goings on in the cyber world and she's feeling very left out!I

So I encourage you all to "think outside the box" and do something everyday to help your mind and body stay fit. Learn a new skill! Start a new activity. Join a club or even start a club. Go meet new people. Get up and get out! Do something that really challenges you!!  Step out of your comfort zone and jump in with both feet! You won't be sorry! You're mind and your body will love you for it!!

....until next time, keep your Sunny Side Up 🌞

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